Oct 31, 2012 05:57 AM
I haven't stopped smiling since my treatment finished!! I arrived in Kovolam on holiday with no intention of having dental treatment although I have my appointment with my dentist very soon so I knew there was a great deal of work to be done. I saw the clinic advertised in the hotel and decided to make enquiries which I did the day after arriving. My first appointment with Dr Alias was the next morning at 10am. By 11am I was in the surgery and all systems go! I had two worn out bridges removed to find treatment was required to the roots etc under the old bridges. In fact several fillings and one root extraction had to be done before we even decided on the correct shade for the new bridges. I had - I believe - 14 upper teeth on two bridges done and I can honestly confirm that it was completely painless. The full treatment two nine days including waiting days, to complete which would have taken months in the UK. The hygiene was 100% and the attitude of all the dentists and the nurse was professional and, dare I say, made me relaxed at all times. That is a completely honest statement. All I can say for the Clinic is that I would recommend it to anyone who wants the very best dental treatment available anywhere and at a price about 20% of what I would have had to pay in the UK.