Oct 04, 2015 11:35 AM
Straight coming to the point it doesn't matter at all if you miss this movie. It is a typical timpe pass genre movie where Akshay Kumar, Prabhudeva and his team struggles hard to makes us laugh but we hardly laugh. The movies is made for family audience but has some vulgar scenes which may make you awkward while watching it with your kids or parents.so I won't suggest to go with the family.
Go with the friend to pass some time and if you really have nothing to do. I would instead suggest to see Talwar(i have not seen Talwar but I have heard good things about it, so its on my watch-list) But, guys wait.the most amazing thing of this movie is.Amy Jackson.she is so beautiful that I literally had crush on her and she kept me awake. Otherwise comedy quality is below average and they struggle hard to make you laugh. So, I think you can watch it once.but doesn't matter if you miss. Akshay Kumar is as typical as every time. I would rate it two stars. But, it is a below average film which is made to pick out out our hard earned money from our pockets. So, save some money.