May 15, 2015 12:42 PM
Singer SS-202 is a stereo cassette player cum radio. We have it at our home in our native place. Nobody uses these stereos in cities anymore but it is still quite loved in rural areas.
Now a days its all about mp3 and music in smart phones and you do not get new cassettes easily but the old ones that you already have need to be played somewhere.
And Singer SS-202 is perfect fit for that I think. It is cheap, well build and can use roughly used as in rural environment. It also does not have any complex electronics so the local repairmen can also repair it if something goes wrong.
It can run even on 4 batteries so it gives un-interrupted entertainment even when there is no electricity supply. The sound quality and loudness is sufficient for a room. Of-course do not expect it to rock your world! Radio reception and clarity is good. The controls could have been better though.
The material used does not feels cheap or plasticky but is solid and well designed.
Verdict: Cheap and sturdy, best for rural usage!