Jan 08, 2006 12:07 PM
(Updated Mar 25, 2006 10:57 AM)
I have been using sify broadband for past 6 months and believe me its the worst broadband I have ever used. I move from reliance to sify for faster speed and avalibility but to my surprise sify service is many time unavaliable.
I really doubt if sify is serious about customer care aslo, becasue being fedup with the quality of serivce I escalete it to the top management of sify, but my problem of inconsitency still continues with sify after 6 months. I am not a perfectionist , but I do expect a level of service avalibiity .
For past 6 month I have been complaining but the stauts doesnot have to changed other than creditng me sometime for lost time. I have started recording the compliaints and making a note of the complaints I am making. Many times I have stopped complianing . I am sharing the numer of complaints I have made to sify in past 1 month for benefit of all readers.
Date No Time rectified
3-Dec 2761824 8 13
3-Dec 2761824 20:00 ---
5-Dec 2761824 20:30 2145
6-Dec 2761824 20:45 2145
11-Dec 2793746 8:55 1000
17-Dec 2817683 9:10 ---
21-Dec 2832702 9:45 ---
21-Dec 2832702 21:30 21:50
5-Jan 2892479 18:00 20:30
7-Jan 2892479 21:00 22:08
22:10 22:15
-- I donot know when it was up as I stopped using it