Mar 07, 2012 04:06 PM
I purchased two books from indiatimes shopping and for some unknown reasons the proposed delivery time was 22 days. I waited for 22 days for the books but when it didn't arrive, I tried to call the customer service and as other fellow reviewers have suggested it always seemed busy. Luckily for me in 20 minutes I was connected to the customer care and they apologized for the delay(as usual) and offered a cancellation or delivery in next ten days. I got the books on the 10th day and finally got relieved.
I usually check for the reviews on mouthshut before making a purchase but this time because of its popularity I ignored the ratings and went ahead with the purchase.
Based on other reviews and my personal experience I wouldn't suggest anyone to purchase any product from indiatimes. I wont say that they are thieves as although the delivery was delayed I did receive my books, but it seems that there is some problem in their marketing chain.Its time they did something about it!