Mar 22, 2010 01:22 AM
Music:- The title song keeps repeating again and again. It’s a ok number but not so hummable to be repeated again and again…
Cast:- The lead pair of Aditya and Shweta have no chemistry between them. Firstly she looks like his amma… Secondly she is taller than him. Aditya is stone faced and his dialogue delivery looked totally scripted leave aside the expression. It looks as if he is still the child artist burdened with a larger role.
Direction:- Vikram Bhatt, has gone from Bad to worst at this…(1920 to Shaapit). He just could not hold the plot together or launch Aditya and Shweta as lead actors.
SFX:- 1920 had better effects than this. Vikram Bhatt should stop repeating the same jungle scenes from Raaz. In fact, it’s only the sound effects that create a scare in one or two scenes.
Don’t bother for the DVD too! The Movie is SHAAPIT! Pun intended…