Dec 15, 2005 08:06 PM
(Updated Dec 15, 2005 08:06 PM)
The movie has created a lot of rave worldwide, so I expected it to be one of its (Sci-fi) class. The movie has a rating of 8/10 from IMDB and B from Yahoo movies, so I expected a lot , but the movie failed my expectations. Why, I'll discuss this later, but first the plot. Plot ----------- The movie's story is of a time in future when there would be no space left on earth and people would start living on different planets and solar systems. There would be a group ''Alliance'' who wants to take control of all humans across all solar systems for their better living. The hero is Malcolm Reynolds, captain of spaceship ''Serenity''. He and his crew live by doing small crimes like stealing, looting, etc. There is another small group called ''Reavers'' who have gone mad and live by killing humans and eating them. They just howl, make eeerie noises, have sacry faces, etc. They are something like ''orks'' of Lord of the Rings, but better dressed. Alliance is conducting some experiments on some children who have extra capability.
One of them is a girl River. His borther is one of the team members of Malcom's crew. He is a doctor. He rescues his sister and brings her to Serenity, in order to save her from Allinace's experiments. The girl has psychic powers and she can fortell future. She is also good at dual fight and best with weapons. She herself is a weapon. The Alliance asks Malcom to hand over the girl to them, but he declines. So the chase and escape begin, in between they figure out why Allinace is after River and the reason why some the humans got converted to Reavers. First half of the movie is little slow, but later picks up.
The movie has a similar storyline to FireFly TV series, and is the reason of hype. Well, nothing is new in the movie. Space ships and galaxies, planets, stars you have already seen in StarWars series. Revaers like creatures are very common in LOTR and Resident evil movies. Action is like another action movie. No popular star cast. Just another time pass movie.