I had purchased this pendrive from flipkart and has five year warranty. It worked very well and after few months UT didn't worked properly. Everytime on connecting to computer it show installing driver an get interrupted in between and this any computer don't detect it. This pendrive is not connectable to smart phones while other pendrives are connected via otg cable. The pendrive if detected then it just show 5gb out of 7.44gb even it is fully formated.
I had complaint about the Same in flipkart they gave me the number and address of SanDisk service Centre which is very far from my house. Nothing came fruitful from it though travelled long distance. Person at service Centre told that there is no warranty of inside pendrive while outside damage is settle here. Even they were harsh and rude. Nothing such things were mentioned on flipkart. So I contacted flipkart. They were also like that. They told as it is not their fault. So you have to regret it now. I just suggest you not to use or buy this pendrive.