Jul 26, 2017 08:34 PM
COOLING AND SOUND: it product is 1.5 ton and cooling normal does not good friend this ac in my room and my experience with this product my room is big but I set ac on 16 degree but does not best cooling many time sound on ac fan in my room mainly duck is so sound and I has been service after 1 months but just a little sound create not work silently I dont like any disturb at a sleep time and cooling many time lowest temprature on ac work because 25 degree on I am feeling heat so .
SERVICE AND SUPPORT- service and support is wonderful for samsung company fast services given and engineer is 1 working day in service ac only like service for samsung
RELIABILITY AND SATISFACTION - I am not satisfaction for this product it product dealer is called it bio sleep but it good quality but ac is any time off heating room and some time later cold I have cold them
VALUE FOR MONEY- it is 3 star but like more consuming electricity my light bill is more than and long money bill given I do not like this product