Feb 04, 2017 02:13 PM
The samsung has a number of electronic appliances and all have its own advantages and features which belongs to Samsung company and the washing machines are the best working appliance of Samsung.It has also a minimum range that a middle class person can easily afford it.It has many different versions like automatic and manual but I like automatic as it is easy to use and handling. It has also variations in range i.e;from 20, 000 to 30, 000 and variations also in weight and it weighs 6.5 kg.It cleans the clothes very fastly and the cloth becomes clean after drying it .There is no dust particle left after a wash .It consumes the less power consumption and can be easily portable from one place to other.
It also has the filter on the washing side which filters all the dust particles into it without going inside the motor.It is very reliable to use.