Aug 11, 2002 12:29 PM
(Updated Aug 11, 2002 12:29 PM)
Alexei was at the Shermetyevo Airport at Moscow to receive me. A short, effusive guy with 32 golden teeth (a result of sucking on sugar cubes when drinking his 20 odd cuppas a day), Alexei gathered my baggage and we hurried to the waiting car outside as a chill blast of air hit me like a sledge hammer. To call it a car is an insult; it was an archaic version of a LADA niva with four wheels connected by a steel frame and a few seats thrown in for comfort. Soon we were whizzing down the highway, headed downtown. ''That's the Bolshoi Theatre'' Alexei exclaimed, ''This is the Duma!''
I had a glimpse of the Kremlin and the headquarters of the erstwhile KGB before being whisked into my hotel.
Russia is steeped in history; every building, every street, every alley has a story to tell. Elegant old buildings, the skyline dotted with Marx and Stalin's statues - smiling benignly, Mercedes fighting for space with Toyotas and Ladas in streets choc-a-bloc with traffic - it is typical Moscow. Day tours are available to get a fill of Moscow's grandeur.
St.Petersburg is also a must-see if you like museums, art and theatre.
At 31 roubles to a dollar, the Russian economy isnt too kind to the average citizen and with a state grappling to find its feet in a new world economy, the plight of the average Russian is far from comforting. But walk into any sidewalk cafe or a restaurant, the smile and the hospitality is quite simply disarming. They take it in its stride.
It was time to head to Usinsk, a small town on the fringe of the arctic circle. approximately 2000 kms northeast of Moscow. And the expected happened. Alexei's Niva broke down; well, literally. A screech and a thump later, we stood in the middle of nowhere on a highway surveying a few suspicious-looking metallic objects that had fallen off the car's engine or belly - whatever. I nervously glanced at my watch wondering whether I would make it to the airport as Alexei tried to slip under the car to find out whether the stuff were really off our car.
Hey presto! Alexei pulled out a pack of Wrigleys from his pocket, chewed on a few quickly, spat the soft gum onto his hands, picked up the metallic parts (yes, those suspicious looking ones!) and disappeared under the car. A few minutes later, he emerged and with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, said ''Paya kalli (Let's go)!''
Those car-parts were no longer there in his hands.
Had he fixed them with Wrigleys?
You dont have an option, do you?
Soon we were speeding down to the airport at 140 kms/hr in that miracle machine as I quizzed Alexei.
''Alexei, aren't you worried and sad about your country?''
''Nyet (No)''
''Would you be happier to be an American with more comforts, more money and a better car?''
''Nyet. We will get better that America one day'' he retorted.
He proudly tapped on his steering and ''See this car? You cant fix any American or Japanese car as I Have done just now; our products are the best in the world; it is a matter of time before we are recognised'' he said proudly.
As I got off the car, Alexei came over and shook hands firmly, flashing all his golden teeth and said ''Remember Deepak, we Russians put the first man on the moon - it wasn't the Americans''
Hardworking people, a beautiful country, a dormant giant just waking up -
We are waiting Alexei, we are waiting.
For your dreams to realise.
Maybe the first man on the Mars?
You never know.
But the fact is plain simple.
Alexei and his country can do it.
It's just a matter of time.