₹98.89 L - ₹2.03 Cr
Possession on: May 2023
Status: Ready to Move
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Bad place
May 01, 2020 12:59 AM 31464 views

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Tower 6, 7, 8 which received OC recently and Tower 1, 2, 3 are ready. My friend works in BMC'S' ward of Mumbai. BMC has converted this premises into COVID-19 or corona hospital and Quarantine Centre. My friend regularly visits this premises daily for supervision. He said, there are many suspected patient living here in the empty houses. Many are from slums of Dharavi, Mankhurd, Govandi, Shivaji Nagar, Bandra. The rooms and premises have become very dirty; people vomiting, shitting in the rooms with no water. BMC Cleaning staff is not much here. Waste coming from this center is so huge that BMC had to float a tender, check the link. It is very difficult scenario, underground water storage and pipes also appear contaminated as some people fell ill. Certain areas and floors have become contaminated of virus. He thinks it will be very difficult for new resident to live here at least for a year or more if infection stays.


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