Aug 11, 2003 06:16 PM
(Updated Aug 20, 2003 07:53 PM)
Im using mobiles for the past 43 months.Im a avid mobile user and have given a try to almost everything.Ive used all the four GSM networks and two CDMA networks in chennai.But im gonna review about the pre-paids here so both the CDMA will be neglected.Im gonna focus in four important factors in selecting a Mobile Service.Network coverage, Cost of service, Services available, Product Availability.
Netwok Coverage:
Airtel and RPG provides the best coverage in chennai with both the providers have more than 150 towers installed around the city.Airtel has a slight advantage over RPG but u really cant seperate them.On the otherside Hutch and Excel suffers in outer parts of the city.Excel has good extended coverage on the out skirts but dont get fooled away! it workes on roaming while Airtel and RPG has local coverage over there.Hucth im really sorry they have to focus investing in installing towers rather than fancy advertisements.Also note tat Excel has almost a non workable SMS service.So Airtel and RPG winners in this area.
Cost Of Service:
RPG is the most flexible in this segment with two pre-paid plans.Wings lite and Roam. With wings lite your outgoing is almost Rs.1.00 cheaper than Airtel, Excel, Hutch & Wings Easy Roam. But you wont be able to have roaming in this card.But for a student like me im not gonna roam anywhere other than chennai and in case if I roam when im in vacation I want to be free from the city buzz.So I strongly recomend RPG over anyother Networks.On the other hand Hutch provides a unique offer which is almost the inverse of their previous post-paid scheme.The more u have balance the more your outgoing rates will reduce.But tat still dont manage to hit Wings lites price.Airtel , Wings Easy Roam and Excel has the same outgoing rates.In the SMS segment Aitel & Hucth is Rs.1 while Lite is 50 paise and Excel is 60 paise.RPG is considered winner here.
Services Available:
In terms of Value Added Service(VAS) Excel scores a big Zero here.While they have problems with SMS who can expect them to give a VAS?Airtel Excel and Hutch provides u a free Voice Mail Service.But when u see the retrievel rates I dont think any one gonna use it......But in other parts RPG, Hutch & Airtel scores the same.They all have the abilities to log into Web Messengers which is a vital VAS they all have the ability to send free SMS from the Web.Moreover they all have their own methods of providing Logos, Ringtones & Other SMS based services.RPG just looses its place in Voice Based Balance Enquiry system while the other three has a automatic balance display system.This segment belongs to three joint winners except Excel which shud do somethin here to attract demanding young users.
Product Availabilty:
As u know Airtel the most popular service in the country has a good solid availabilty of their products almost anywhere in the city.They also have their own Magic Pre-Paid worlds to help users in different parts of the city.RPG has a solid availability as it is the oldest service in the city.Hutch is also very good in this area while Excel slowly trying to catch up but its no where near these private providers.Its really hard to get Rs.300 recharge for Excel!!!.Three private providers scores here almost equally with Airtel just leaping ahead while Excel has to look upon their rivals.
Over all I suggest to go for Wings lite which is the most comprehensive package in the city.With outgoing rates of Rs.1.50 per minute flat for all outgoings and just Rs.2.00 for Mobile STD and with free Airtime for Landline STD calls its a bargain.SMS is a bit sluggish at times but for 50 paise no one will complaint.If ur a frequent roamer il suggest u to go for a Post-Paid which is much better and economical.If u ever want to roam with a Pre-Paid go for Airtel which has a very good Roaming Service.