Jun 01, 2017 10:13 AM
Mouthshut is the best available platform which help it's users in decision making. There are around 8 lakh products registered on Mouthshut.com and we can read reviews of other users and make our decision to but or not to buy desired product(s).
Mouthshut not allows copy/paste concept and this makes them reliable platform offering only Genuine reviews. For example, before purchasing any desired smartphone we can get clear idea about it's performance, battery life, operating instructions, flaws(if any), user interface by reading reviews of other users. People share their positive and negative interaction with the products and we can take great benefit of this for our decision making.
Mouthshut also allow their users to Like or Dislike reviews which further help others while choosing the best review to read. Reading reviews makes you aware about the Quality, Performance, Customer Support and Service of the desired product or service and you can take better decisions accordingly.
Mouthshut also offers MS Points in case you want to share your personal experience with any product or service. One MS Point is equal to One Rupee. Post genuine reviews and earn money by helping others in decision making.
I strongly recommend Mouthshut.com to everyone.