Jun 14, 2006 03:02 PM
I have read presumably all the reviews on the 350. I must say where nobody seems to getting tired of this great machine, nobody also seems to mention any information that’s actually needed apart from the appraisal.
I totally agree with all the proud owners as well as the wannabe’s, as a matter of fact I’d probably be one myself in a matterof days (fingers crossed).
The problem here is, I (like everybody else) agree, RD 350 is and probably will be (for at least near future) the best two wheels one can have. How about the people who already own one, I’m sure they have had their share of problems with it, lets not forget, after all it’s a machine and is meant to breakdown at some point, so where to you go with it, to who, what do you do with it, all that good stuff.
I’m also really confused with mixed ideas about how many models and how much power an RD has (32, 39,27, 28, 30, HT, LT, HeT and more).
This is the place for your views why not help someone else as well.
I request all the people to please pour your heart for the ever glowing RD 350 (I’d join once I get mine). Although, please put some information out on where in your city you find parts, who’s the mechanic, you think is the best in the city and how much it should cost.
All this to support the long life of your beloved, and someone’s benefit.
I rated this mean machine based on what I have read and heard from others. I rate it high in looks, considering the fact it was designed decades ago. Plus I personally think it’s gorgeous.
3 Cheers for the RD 350 owners who have put in their reviews, it was a big help.
Oh and please, I totally agree with not putting bullshit ideas into others minds. (You can buy a new RD, how lame or optimistic can you be)
Oh & if I’m wrong, I sincerely apologize. Didn't mean to hurt someones feelings.
Take care,