Jan 31, 2016 10:31 AM
Like many of you that have written about the service on Raajnett, I couldn't disagree. I had applied for a connection on December and got mine activated around the first week of Jan. Thanks to the multiple follow-ups.
Finally after the activation was done, I was happy to browse at speeds that I had never experienced before.
The problem began when the internet connection was getting disconnected frequently and had to reconfigure my router multiple times.still no luck. The customer service centre sucks., there is a contact us email, which sends an automated email stating "they are currently facing issues and will be resolved soon" Without any action being taken, they close the tickets, I have finally decided to close the connection. I am in a better position since they have placed the router box at my house and are proving connection to multiple houses as well. They will now need to shift the box and rewire.
This is at Balaji Nagar, next to PSBB Millennium School. I guess nothing can be done with such folks, please stay away from them - this will save your time and energy.