Oct 13, 2017 06:32 PM
I had once registered myself on quackquack.in and from then I started receiving spam alerts and plans to upgrade in order to lure customers with money. The website provides a false marketing gimmick by luring customers with FREE chat services. As, soon as one gets registered they try to provide us all the personal authentic information. Not only that they are trying to shoot hundred of mails and bombard your inbox with spam mails.
I have used their for 7-days and I'm not that satisfied with it. First they try to attract customers with FREE things and when a user registered they say to upgrade the plan to find the best matches from your city.
The content you find similar to what other online chat room does. But the thing is there are no free chats, not even close to it. I personally feel there is lot to improve and quackquack.in must learn from the other chat room services.
Atlast, I have to deleted those spam mails individually and stopped using it after 7-days of use. There are few who uses it but due to their higher prices on chat services and less customer base I don't feel there are any use of optimizing the website.
This was my honest opinion and I registered myself as Prasad Maitra on QuackQuack.in. If you find this helpful.
Don't forget to mark my review as helpful.