Aug 06, 2003 01:44 PM
(Updated Sep 03, 2003 11:23 AM)
In the arena of life and death, the world’s most brilliant doctors and scientists vie desperately – and – ruthlessly for the ultimate prize – The Nobel.
Prizes by Erich Segal is one of the most heart warming books I have ever read. It tells the story of human aspirations and desires. The eagerness of human mind to know all, its expectations of rewards and the limitations that nature imposes are all beautifully described in this spellbinding bestseller.
The book tells the story of three extraordinary people who through their knowledge and intellect bring a revolution in the field of science. All they want in return is Prizes for their effort. But do they get what they actually want, how their lives intersect each other’s at some junctures is what the story all about.
Isabel da Costa : A child prodigy who loses her childhood in her father’s efforts to make her the best brain in the world. All she experienced in life was her father and her work. Somewhere she had gained too much for her capacity and somewhere she had lost it all. Her life changes when a new person enters her life and she has to make a choice between him to whom she owes all the love she ever got and her father to whom she owes her success. A shocking revelation waits to devastate her dreams but would that stop her from achieving her Prizes…?
Adam Coopersmith : He is a doctor who has devoted his whole life to medicine. A workaholic whose married life is ruined due to his first love – his work. He meets Anya a Russian who soon becomes a part of his life and research. At the point he is about to achieve all he loses everything to something unforeseen and devastating. Are his dreams realised by someone else...Does he receive the Prize for his effort…?
Sandy Raven: An asset to the world of science. His work qualifies him for a Nobel. But his expectations are nailed in a coffin when he faces the most brutal betrayal in his life making him devoid of all that he seeks. Would he move on sacrifice his desires and vie for some other Prizes....?
My thoughts: The book makes us laugh and makes us cry. It teaches us the values in which the real PRIZES lie. The price for some prizes we seek are too high for their worth. Like his other books The Class, Doctors and Love Story Erich Segal manages to get the human emotions into words. It is a must read for all book lovers.