Poweramp music player is priced for Rs.10 now. But this was around 68 Rupees 2 months before. The best music player with all up to date interface features makes us to experience a wonderful head phone addiction. In addition to this a ton of skins are available in the play store. Look and the feel of this music player are also outstandingly stunning. We can customize according to our wish. All the features of these players can be unlocked by purchasing this app for 10 rupees. This seems to be very cheap, but comparatively far better than all the other music players in the market. Bass treble and all other presets like Jazz, Rock, Classic, Dance, Electronica and still more are available in this music player. On the whole it's worth to pay a sum of 10 indian rupees to try this one out. This music player will definitely not disappoint you. You can check this player with good quality headphones like senheiser, sony, JBL, House of Marly, Beats, and other branded headphones. You do have exploding bad experience which gives you the original feel of the song that you are playing. This music player also has the feature to sync lyrics with songs. Also you can customize this music player according to your wish as this player had a ton of themes in play store. Hope you read everything. Just move on and try this Power amp music player. Experience the trial version before installing the unlocked version.