I have been using this shaver for a while now, and I'm pretty satisfied with it. Phillips machines have always been the best in the market and this is no exception.
I bought it from Amazon.in and still I get the Phillips warranty so it is a good thing. Best thing about it that when you use it for shaving it almost works like razor blades and you get very clean shave.
Best thing about it is that we can shave with it even with the shaving creams or foams applied. And it makes even easier to use it with creams/ foam applied.
I'm not sure all the shaving machines can do this, so it is a big plus point if you buy this machine. Machine feels very solid in hand and is so smooth on skin so it doesn't leave any rashes on your face.
So basically I'm happy with it as of now. If I find any bad thing, I'll update my thought.: -)