Jun 20, 2017 06:06 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jun 20, 2017 06:06 PM)
Petrol vs diesel car read it to make it simple
Pertrol cars
1 this type of car is low maintaince
2 parts are cheap and easily available
3 mileage is low around in general 10 15 kmpl according to your drive
4 best for cities
5 long lasting cars as low carbon content in fuel so long life
6 low in making pollution
7 batttery long last a lot
8 no torque lag
9 price tag is low around 100k to 200k less
Diesel cars
1 better mileage
2 prefer this car if u have run of min 1500 km per month
3 more maintainance
4 some car have torque lag
5 more making in pollution
6 love to ride in curves and ghats
7 parts are last longer
8 are though cars than petrol cars
Final if u have run more than 1.5 k in month buy diesel cars otherwise go for petrol both cars are now a days best