Feb 07, 2012 10:15 PM
(Updated Feb 08, 2012 10:28 PM)
Ver the last few months I have been using the following three products for good dental hygiene and have experienced good results. I hope my sharing of this experience will help some of the readers to try them out and experience them for a great refreshing mouth feel. I will just explain my experience as a layman without going into any technical jargon.
The products are:
Colgate Sensitive Toothbrush
Pepsodent G- Gum Care toothpaste
Listerine mouthwash
Colgate Sensitive Toothbrush: It has soft rounded bristles which I found protected the delicate parts of my mouth like the gums and the inner linings without causing any burns or bruises. Yet, it is still successful in bringing out that neat glowing shine on your teeth. I recommend this toothbrush for people of all ages since I feel the mouth linings are as fragile in youngsters as in elders.
Pepsodent G- Gum Care Toothpaste: This toothpaste not only cleans and protects your teeth but also protects your gums from bleeding. The beauty of this toothpaste is that no matter how hard you brush the region of the gums there is no sign of any burn or bruise. I found a distinct difference before and after use of this toothpaste on my gums.
Listerine Mouthwash: A single gargle of the mouth for half a minute before going to bed in the night ensures that the mouth remains fresh and free from bad odor or bacteria through the night. There were a couple of instances when I started to experience sharp pain in the cavities of my teeth. A single mouth wash with Listerine in the night and bingo by morning there was no sign of any further pain in the cavities. It is really that effective. Of the flavors, I recommend the mint flavor as the best one.
The combination of the above three dental hygiene products will enhance the beauty of the teeth with a sparkling smile, keeps your mouth free from odor or infection and helps in your overall well-being.