Now a days shopping online is trending , as we all know everything has pros and cons listof cons are more than pros in case.
This site it good platform for buying furniture online but its good only for those who earn good amount and dont have time to go check and buy products from local market.
Price range on this platform is comparatively more than local market ,
Funiture and some other things are not for buying online but to check personally because once we buy it its really hectic to Change
Also pepprfry launched a offer register and get 10000 for shopping , but its terms are not shown before registration and after you register you will get to know that its gives 3 coupon that too must avail within 3 days after registration.
1st coupon is of 10% off on all product
2nd coupon is of 15% off on selected products
3rd coupon is of 25 % off on selected products.
I understand and agree that they are doing business and its strategy to attract customer but they should give all details in terms and conditions.
Higher cost than local market,
Better payment options,
Coupon/offer not bad,
Overall okay , not to be recommend
Its my opinion about pepprfry