Hello guys
The paytm.com was a online store which can anythink you can buy also and you can payment also like lightbill, gasbills, phone bills etc.etc.
This apps was such a good concept and design this apps too much usefull for new genration of digital india making 2017 and 2018 now.
In this apps the all quality products are easy avaiable in the paytm.com store all products are too good price and nice item.
In this apps you can payment or recharge also system was aviable here.crete a simple account then connected your personal bank account then any time of payment to pay the at your mobile.
I was too many payment pay for this apps to good and more tursted this apps.easy to used the payemt method apps.
The producta quality was such good also the customer service was also very good work by the delivery boys.
More and more tursted this paytm.com store.
I was appeal for guys keep close your eyes then trusted this genius application.