Dec 23, 2015 12:04 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Dec 23, 2015 12:04 PM)
I often use online sites for my recharge and paying bills. Mostly I used paytm for recharge. Recently I have done my data pack from paytm but recharge was not done . I was try next time but this time also recharge was not done. I was try this process 3 times .paytm show recharge failed in 3 times. At last I checked my account details then I found rupees creadit from my account.
I was in shock.then show which ruppees creadit my acc. It was my recharge payment.i called paytm costumer care for it but they did not any action for it. I lost my ruppess. So I also suggest to all .paytm na kro.! Thanks