Mar 10, 2017 03:46 PM
Pasari Silks and textiles is today a global player in the silks and textile industry. This company was formed in the 1990's in Bangalore and has it's registered office located in Hanumanthanagar in Bangalore South Taluk. Its manufacturing unit is located in Nanjangud in Mysore District. The Company has had it's company secretary Mrs Kathyayini for a very long time looking after the accounting and secretarial functions of this reputed textile power-house. She is a qualified Cost Accountant-cum-company secretary. The company has had to focus on cost-cutting on the one hand and increasing the sales revenue on the other which are vital parameters for successful functioning of any company globally. Therefore, Pasari Exports Ltd is one of the reputed employers of skilled and unskilled work-force across its administrative and manufacturing units as it offers good salary, credible job security, focussed career growth and a dutiful work environment.