Jan 31, 2016 04:33 PM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Feb 04, 2016 07:43 PM)
PARLE G BISCUITS is one of the biggest selling product in India. As it is loved by number of children. This product gives complete nutrition as available in different types of food and most probably it contains wheat so it is liked by number of mother's for their kids.
I like it as it is always fresh and ready to eat. it is one of the most trusted brand of INDIA.
PARLE G BISCUITS are low price and affordable biscuits. it is available at very remote place.
PARLE G BISCUITS are enriched with milk and wheat. and both milk and wheat are good source of strength
for body and mind. PARLE G BISCUITS provides instant energy .
it was quite preferrable by me for my infants by giving a mixture of PARLE G BISCUITS and milk . and it is considered as a good food for infants even by doctors. PARLE G BISCUITS is used by adults during tea time, with hot and cold coffee.
it is my favorite food during tea time especially in evening. it is even consumed by people when their meals are delayed. So, it is well liked by adults and children.
As even I prefer as snacks for my children during recess time in school. It is a very low price biscuits and affordable biscuits with good quality and quantity. This is one of main reason behind its success. Although a number of competition, it is still on its first position because of its good quality, taste and low price.