Jan 23, 2020 11:14 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jan 23, 2020 11:16 PM)
Parachute coconut oil is raw and preserves the natural goodness of coconut. It is obtained from the finest quality Indian coconut and is rich in essential nutrients like Medium-chain triglycerides ( a.k.a. MCTs) and lauric acid which nourish the body. Extracted from copra, Parachute coconut oil is one of the most preferred coconut oil in South Asia. Its made from the finest, natural, edible Grade coconuts and Non-hydrogenated, non-deodorized, non-solvents used.It is known for its purity & long lasting freshness. It is as close as you can get to a farm-to-table coconut oil.
My personal experience parachute coconut oil is the number one hair growth oil in South Asia.
Good smell, Free from chemical additives or solvents, Unrefined, unbleached & Scientifically filtered, hair shine, increase the hair growth and regrowth etc.
In my personal experience I prefer or suggest parachute coconut oil.