Oct 29, 2001 02:17 PM
I am a regular visitor to Pakistan for business and have several friends there. These guys also visit me in Mumbai regularly. I am yet to see any sign of hatred for Indians in all classes of people, from the industrialist, trader, middle class person to the taxi driver and tourist guide. I get a very good feeling when I go there since everybody seems to care for you so well. Their hospitality is far greater than ours and one is overwhelmed by the way they like to stuff a guest with food.
If at all, I feel in them, a sense of envy of India due to our democracy, freedom of speech, expression and economic success. One of the businessmen visiting Mumbai even asked me if I could arrange a citizenship of India for him.
I feel they are a greater victim of politics of their country than we are from ours. One politician after another has looted that country for selfish means and not allowed the people to cross a social threshold to mature. The extremely feudal nature of society in Pakistan means that the landlords of the Sindh and rich farmers of Punjab control power completely and no common man can ever hope to fight or win elections (if and when they do have them). The military controls everything. I saw the biggest bunglows and cars (porsche etc.) belong to the Generals of the army and that could hardly be paid from their salary. They keep whipping up anti-India frenzy to justify the big budget of the army.
In my view America has always used Pakistan very ruthlessly and the anti American sentiment one sees these days on TV is not as much support for Taliban as the anti American feeling bottled up since years.
It is a country with great potential but even greater political chaos and corruption.