Feb 23, 2006 03:36 AM
(Updated Feb 23, 2006 03:36 AM)
My granddaughter was born in 2001 and had to have soy milk instead of regular formula. My husband had Ovaltine when he was growing up and suggested that
because it might make her milk taste better and it had so many vitamins she might
really like it too. We added it to every bottle she had and she's four years old now
and still asks for her Ovaltine. She is very healthy and her teeth are in great shape too. We all enjoy a glass of Ovaltine now and then and love it. When she
comes to visit she always wants her Ovaltine. It's almost like a comfort thing.
I wish we could write to the company that makes it and the advertisers for it and
let them know how much we appreciate their product. They need to update their
commercials but not our Ovaltine.