Nov 24, 2023 06:16 PM
(Updated Nov 24, 2023 06:16 PM)
SREYAS HOLISTIC REMEDIES PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
It baffles me how it’s the onus of the customer to have to raise complaints to ensure they get the quality of service.
Firstly the therapist was actually using her phone while doing the Laser Hair Removal. I couldn’t even believe it first and having checked with the manager I found out that it was against the protocol for the therapist to even bring phones inside.
I can’t believe that they would play with the skin of a client by using the phone while performing the procedure.
And the privacy of the client isn’t respected. Constantly the other therapists keep coming in and out when the client is in their gown. Recently the doctor held the door open while I was in my gown when she had come to give the therapist the frequency of the heat etc.
And she told the therapist off for coming in! The doctor shouldn’t have held the door open in the first place when a client is in their gown!
I had actually narrowed in on Oliva after doing my due diligence but at the end of the day this experience really made me wonder if it was worth all the money spent.