Feb 15, 2017 04:49 PM
Hi friends,
I want to share my review on Nyle Shampoo and I am using this Shampoo from the five months and my sister is using it so she preferred me to use this shampoo because I am suffering from severe hair loss and I have purchased this from the store and I started using this and I have observed no change in the hair loss.
The hair loss has been increased after using for some days and I thought to stop using this shampoo and My mother asked me to use for one month and observe the month and I continued with this shampoo and the ease of application is very easy and it is same as another shampoo usage.
The benefits after the usage of this shampoo are very less and I am not satisfied at all with this shampoo and the dandruff is also high when I am using this shampoo. The Fragrance of this shampoo are very nice but it not serving my need and the cost of this shampoo is reasonable only.
Thank you,