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DO NOT PURCHASE from Nurserylive even if FREE
Jun 12, 2023 02:58 PM 1384 Views

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Absolute UNETHICAL PRACTICE: ZERO RATING in case you see something else. Read on and don't get cheated. I had planned for some internal corporate gifting good I did not fall for that and their true color came out as FRAUDS. DON'T FALL FOR PAID REVIEWS AS I DID.

Absolute fraudulent forced selling tactics, they had offered 6 free plants over email, I said ok to the same. Later they mentioned it as 2 plants. Nowhere they mentioned 199 for shipping as the value of the plants itself is not more than 40 rupees. I wrote an email to cancel the order on the same day 18th May after a few minutes of transaction which they selectively blocked. I repeatedly wrote the email to them as this is pure fraudulent and forced sales tactics with no transparency.

I also clearly wrote that I am out of town and will not be able to take delivery and hoping not to kill the plants.

They still forcefully dispatched the order on 24th May and forwarded the order to SIMPL Pay to collect the amount, SIMPL pay is now charging a late fee for an order canceled and of course delivery of no kind.

Absolute unethical company. Best to deal with them as they lack the basic ethics of business.

The Chronology of this fraudulent unethical non-transparent transaction:

Offer for free 6 plants.

On acceptance make it 2.

While confirming on their site nowhere says shipping charges of 199 for 40 Rs worth of plants on 18th May.

Block email on cancellation minutes after the shipping charges were marked without transparency, and no option to cancel it on the shipping page on 18th May.

Don't consider all emails asking to cancel this forced transaction. Multiple Tickets were raised with the same response.

Forcefully ship via DTDC on 24th May even after my clear ask to cancel.

No delivery was taken as I was out of town on 26th May.

SIMPL does a daily follow-up and charges daily late fees for an intimation for an order canceled and nothing delivered.

I am not a customer of Simpl PAY ever nor did I promise to pay them in future transactions.

Such unethical startups are why India is losing trust. Hope the stakeholders and investor firms steer them on the right path in time.

Order Number NLV1411632959 (Proof of this forced order to check in your email block logs and ticketing system) to check and verify the facts.

It's a small amount to hand it over to them as a charity if they need it and ask for it honestly but I will press legal charges and post the entire on all social media and corporate groups if they ask Simpl Pay to keep following up and pushing late charges.

They better correct and be fair to remediate immediately and intimate to Simpl Pay not to follow up as I have nothing to do with them. And no point asking me to raise a ticket for it, as I won't NOW as I have raised it multiple times and all they send is canned replies. They have all the details over email and ticket to do so.

NB: And Please don't quote your Cancel/Replace/Refund/Return.

Policy as nowhere you mentioned that your portal takes shipping addresses, does not show shipping charges, and then confirms the order and does not allow canceling. That is what your forced fraudulent nontransparent push sales trap precisely is.

No Delivery taken so nothing to attach have shared the Order Number NLV1411632959.


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