Nokia 7 plus has 6 inch full HD+ screen with Snapdragon 660 processor. It has 4 GB of ram and dual nano hybrid sim slot. It comes with stock android and 64 GB internal storage which is expandable upto 256GB. It has 3800 mAH battery and comes with dual rear camera ( 12 MP + 13 MP ) and 16MP front camera.
My views : I bought this Nokia device for my father but I must say I paid more but got poor features with this device. The Amoled display has no always on screen. It has no physical led notification light. The sound is poor at such price point and no dual speakers are provided. Such premium and expensive device comes with no water resistance certification and you still get the old bezel design. On playing heavy games, I found the device turning warm.
Conclusions : I paid a lot more over this premium feature lacking device. At a price of 26K, I believe I made a mistake and I will highly tell others to stay away from this device.