Dec 20, 2002 12:30 PM
(Updated Dec 20, 2002 12:30 PM)
I really flogged / dropped / abused this fone for 5 years and its still going strons... i've been tempted to change it so many times, but the sheer ruggedness of this perfect monster never allows me to.. like an old shoe I guess....
would I buy another ??? YES YES YESS YESSSSS....
please nokia dont fase this model out .... your new nokia's are so light and delicate that I wud NEVER consider buying them...... these are just wrod paddings for that stupid 100
word minmummm rule... cant you make it 30 words ??? YES Yes
yes yez.... sdlsk dfd 6o7p6o yorpu y[tp[yp [ph [yp[t
kglk please god dont make me do this .... df;d;f krt kelktrel tu urityi yotio itp enuf now ???? lf;df kgprop
fglkf klghk flgkf 859 rti gjkj gj ghk stop it this minute....