Aug 02, 2017 04:35 PM
Hey guys I want to share you a full review on Nikon Coolpix B500 Which is the coolest Camera ever I bought from onlineshopping site ebay for Rs 14199.
The main features of this Camera are
1.The Nikon Coolpix B500 2016 is most interesting and a super zoom camera.It has very interesting feature that its zooming power is very crazy that it has an optical zoom of 40x.These kind of cameras are perfect for people that want to take a simple camera with them set the auto mode and shoot at the subject and not have to worry about any of the settings plus having the versatility to zoom in.
2.It has a 900mm telephoto lens within this compact camera is an interesting cool featue to tell.
3.Other features are it has a tilitfull lcd screen for shooting downwards or upwards you can see eaxactly what you are shooting .It has two zoom rockers one on the left hand side of the camera and one on the right by shutter release .Its also got the nice chunky grip that wont drop this camera at all.
4.The camera has many modes that can choosen from manual mode wheel, smart portrait mode, sport mode, back lighting, scenic mode, and mainly people use is auto mode.
5.On the actual; screen you can control things like hueness and even control the brightness, exposure and the selectrion mode is very easy and completly user freiendly.
These are the cool features of the camera and I recommend people who loves to take photos, or people who have to travell a lot for professional photographers etc.I have included some photos taken from nikon coolpix Hope you guys like it.
Thank You