I usually have davidoff or folgers coffe or at times bru coffee, the day I ran out of it and being the coffeholic that I am, I went and picked up a bottle of nescaffe.
Pretty cheap it is as compared to davidoff 450 bucks 100grams. This seemed worth the try I had nothing to loose.
I like my coffees black, warmed up a cup of water and added about half table spoon, the aromas seemed less and felt a bit crude, on sipping it tasted pretry average lacked a good taste at the end of my cup it felt like I did not have my cup of coffee only my breath reaked of coffee.
For 40 bucks well it wasnt muxh to loose, however my mother likes it so win win.
One thing I feel is that they should really work out how to make their bottles airtight, dont use it for a couple of days and it catches moisture and solidifies.