This manga written by Masashi Kishimoto is world renowned and appeals to every individual at one point. I have watched it's anime version and I loved it.
The few starting episodes though slow but does great work in introduction of all characters along with their abilities, inabilities, relations, cooperation and defining each character's personality.
The upcoming plots deals with the problems people suffer in theri daily lives. Like acceptance and recognition from someone you love & admire. Procrastinating about the things we cannot do or failed to do. And a lot more that forces to go on self development mode.
The characters also goes into teachings and feelings of deep bond of friendship and the plot is laid very well. You will even find lots and lots of easter eggs in the show.
The starying and ending episodes are so different it almost leaves you with a question of what will happen next.
The story is very intriguing and makes us wonder about the future of each character. All with great big dreams and something to prove in their life. The story is full of drama, fun, motivation, inspiration, friendship and lots of other emotions.
I highly recommed watching Naruto. Since, it is the kind of show that can engage with audience of every age be it young, adult or old.