Dec 14, 2005 06:13 AM
(Updated Dec 16, 2005 09:00 AM)
This is a book that promotes the methods of developing maximum strength in the body by using ones own bodyweight, and practicing focused tension in the body. This coupled with special breathing allows muscles to be trained neurologically to get the most strength out of a given muscle mass.
Pavel Tsatsouline is former trainer of Soviet Special forces and has a degree in sports training or Physical culture.
The specific exercises outlined in the book are the one-legged squat, also called the ''pistol'', and the one armed push-up. Many variations of these bodyweight exercises are analyzed in detail, and pictures depicting different leverages are used to change the difficulty of the exercises, depending on your level of strength. These exercises aren't easy, but are achievable in time. What is more important in the book is the principles applied to these exercises that can be used in other lifts and strength development.
If you are looking for a book on getting bulky, muscle bound, and want that body builder look, then this book isn't for you. This book is foremost about strength, and not about atheletics, and ascetics. The philosophy of the author is that through strength, endurance follows. These exercises will promote useful functional strength that can be called on in demand. You are instructed to practice these almost everyday in low number of repitition, abbreviated mini-sessions. This allows them to be practiced often because you don't come away from the exercises sore, and fatigued. These exercises are best done when you are fresh.
The book itself has a lot of advertisements in the end of the book, but this doesn't detract from the fact that the information given is useful. Pavel definitely delivers the goods. This is a great book if you are new to strength training, and don't have weight equipment. If I was stuck on a desert island, this is one book I would like to have. If you want challenging exercises, then these are the ones. Progress has been slow for me, but I feel in time these movements are attainable.
If you know about weapons, the AK-47 is highly prized rifle and has been in use many years. Why?, Because it performs on a dime in the toughest dirtiest environments, and doesn't let you down.The soviets have always been adept and taking simple ideas and limited resources and maximizing results. This is the one strength book, that should be part of high school curriculum. If you are looking for functional AK-47 STRENGTH, this is for you.
Good Luck comrades.
Above is the review of this book. This doesn't include what progress I have made since using this book as a strength practice. Below I will outline, what condition I was in when I first started the exercises, and in my case the exercise one legged squat, and compare that with now.
Well, I started practicing the one legged squat around 6 weeks ago. I am overweight by around 40 lbs, so I had a real problem with the balance and also the stability of the knee in the beginning. That problem has been eliminated because focusing tension in the knee area, I have been able to alleviate a lot of the stability problems. I practice around 4 to 5 times a day with usually 4 repetitions on both legs. I stick to this regimen every day, and take a day off once a week.
In the beginning, I used to really sweat and get out of breath when I did the one legged squat, or rather attempted to do the one legged squat. Now, I can do the next repetition without pausing for a long time. I think this has to do with an improvement in the ability to keep my body tight with focused tension. Despite the fact that my weight hasn't reduced, I feel more toned, agile, and definitely in my legs.
After 6 weeks, I still cannot do a complete repetition. I start in the standing position and then go down to where my thigh is just about an inch below paralel, and that is my sticking point. Then I take a deep breath, pressurize the abdomen and then come back up to standing. My hip flexor muscles are still a little bit tight, but I think in time, that will go away, and it will allow me to go all the way to the bottom.
There are times when I do this exercise, I feel stronger than before I exercised, and then there are times when I don't. I think it is best to practice these when you are fresh. They do take a lot of energy and if you do it correctly, you build up a lot of muscle tension.
There were a few days when this made my nervous about blowing out my knee, but applying the techniques in this book really helped. I will post another addendum of my practice to the Naked Warrior next time if and when I will be able to do another repetition. Until then, Namaste.