Hello everyone,
I have used this app before 2 months for some Mailing pusposes but I have seen that its very poor quality app and its not worked fine as my expectations.
HELP FUNCTIONALITY- This app has not good Help Functionality service because I had faced many mailing issues in this app but was no solutions in their FAQs section.
USER FRIENDLY- This App is not able easily manage all Mailing accounts at once. When I added my first 2, gmail and hotmail accounts in the all then it worked fine but when I added my another 2 accounts in this app then it didn't worked fast and it shows'Unfortunately App is stop' error.
EASE OF INSTALLATION- This App is very easy for installations, create or login into accounts. I don't faced any error while installing and creating a account.
FEATURES and FUNCTIONS- there is no advanced or very useful new features available in this apps. and the features are already available in this app are not able respond sometimes and the app goes suddenly freez while we are open multiple accounts at once.
SERVICE and SUPPORT- as my experience with Mymail.my.com, I didn't got any support for any issues. but this app needs to provide some support service to their customers.
Thank you.