Jan 12, 2007 06:19 PM
(Updated Jan 30, 2007 10:04 AM)
....that, along with many "cuts" is mumbai mirror's advertising headline.....
I dunno how but ...times, when publishing this tabloid were putting a risk on their already dimnishing image....how everyone if not liking this one would just put away TOI too....but then something about the tabloid clicked with the average mumbaikar..like me.... and then it just shot up in a city with few tabloids namely midday and afternoon.....
This was a paper which was like a local voice of people...pointing out a problem in every nook and corner of the city...how it could be solved and who is responsible...., this daring attitude won the accolades as it got many problems fixed in neighbourhoods previously over lokked by authorirties....like the shanties near grant road station..where drug dealing was rampant....now theres plants instead of dirty shanties wih its occupants attending nature's call on the road.....these small differences are many in number.
Now may think why is this paper not professional in some cases....? well no ones perfect....in case of a slow news day we have a bollywood gossip staring out of the first page....
TOI is good but not an option for the young and 20-30s aged people.....many of them have started out with it and still cant do without it.....why....simple......
Coz Mumbai Mirror cuts the crap...really...the politics and all the other insights of the story and giving it you in a way that u know how its affects YOU.....that why I liked it.....there was how I or other fellow citizens would be affected and then the political and legal part of it.....some of us young people cannot handle complexities of some things....the to-the-point approacg works nicely
And they cover everything from City to Nation to Sci-Fi to Leisure to Lifestyle to Telivision and Gossip.....
they tell us whats new and what good it is for us.....
ITs a paper in which even if you browse thru the pages you'll know of the goings on...if u dont have time to read through the full thing...
SOme things like movie listings page with promotional posters and cinema names and timings are lacking....i hope thats rectified soon..
I'll just keep reading...cos its free with TOI hehe