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Bangalore India
I don't know what speed means
Sep 16, 2014 08:54 PM 6393 Views

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I was using Tata Photon Plus dongle and one day an MTS salesperson showed me the MTS dongle and offered it free in exchange of my old Photon, the speed of which was below par and I was naturally unhappy with that. I fell prey for it.

The MTS dongle was activated and the problem of speed with this new dongle was worse than that of my old one. The Customer Service guided me to remove cookies and tweak with some program, but it did not help. The speed remained at 0.4 Mbps as against the maximum of 3.1 Mbps and an orally promised number of 1-2 Mbps.

The Customer Service said it might be because of the area I live in! I took it to my office and tested and found that there was no improvement. I was paying Rs 450 per month post paid for a data of 2 GB, but I could utilize 200-300 MB. I understood that I was taken for a ride. In the process, I lost my Photon dongle also, which was definitely better with a prepaid Rs 250 per month for 1 GB and had a speed of about 0.7-0.8 MBps.

The best thing was, when I cancelled my relationship with MTS on a Saturday at 2 PM, I was asked to pay up the rental upto next week, because they would update the system only by then. I protested and paid only up to the day I was cancelling my account. Is there a remedy from such exploitations? I warn fellow mouthshutters to keep away from from locked service dongles, instead go for SIM mountable dongles, so that if you are not satisfied with one service provider, you have the choice to change the service provider.


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