Feb 10, 2016 12:52 PM
MouthShut Official Cares
MouthShut Official is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
When I started writing reviews on Mouthshut, it was with some skepticism that I willed myself into doing it. It seemed to good to be true.
There are, after all, a multitude of such websites and apps that promise a lot but deliver little. Some outright cheat you into wasting your time and then abandon you. Mouthshut was a pleasant surprise. At the start of the month, as promised, they did transfer the remuneration for my reviews that I had invested a lot of time into.
Since I was skeptical at first, I didn't invest as much effort into it as I should. Now that I know it's going to reward me, I intend do it much more enthusiastically.