Friends I had buyed motorola x xt0152 one of the costly phone of motorola series I had bought it for 25000 I had used ut for only two months problems started from the like firing bullets first problem EAR phones NOT HEARABLE , BATTERmoY GOT DAMANGED IN 5 MONTHS I WAS NOT ABLE TO REPLACE because WARRANTY PERIOD OVER SO replaceable for battery , latter phone was not able to catach network after 1/2 year partial network ticks sometimes no ticks , so I went for CUSTOMER SERVICE they said mother board has dmamged without checking mobile wat went wrong in mobile they said it will cost 12000, worst service centre later I went for local service centre it got repaired for 500 rs yeah only 500 rs no value for money.bad CAMERA WITH BLACK LINES ON CAMERA XT1052 DONT BUY THIS PHONE U CANT REPAIR THIS PHONE