From the time I started to learn about stock market I started visiting money control .com .it is the best platform currently available for analysing stocks and companies for free . The have the complete data of compaies listed in stock market with Ratios like. EBITA , PB ratio .PE RATIO , and the performance reports with advanced chart . They have company s annual report and press releases. And all the business news with other news . The main thing I look in the website is the form for the users where they can comment on a company and their call on the share. They also provide polls to finds the market sentiments which helps to understand whether the markets will go up or down . Overall they are doing a fabulous job . I think the most used websit by investers is money control . They also provide details about mutual funds , debentures , commodity market and other financial products . It is a very useful website. Only bad thing about it is the bulk of advertisements they have on the website. But its fine as they provides this much of information.