Aug 26, 2016 12:43 PM
Mohenjo daro civilization is the story of thousands of years old. A city was sunk in the waters of the Indus River in the morning. There are many stories-stories in history. But that was what happened the night before. It could not have happened the river overflowed the dam and the whole city was Jagmgn. The film tells the story of her first.
The first point is that the way the story of the film tells the spontaneous language is, the more easily it is not shown in the movie. Gowariker actually used the words of Hindi, which at that time were saying, so many things when watching movies, you can feel a little awkwardness. Today, or rather a little haziness may apply. Although technically it does not seem wrong anywhere. The second is that it seems that the director has his full attention focused on the research study, the film has remained slightly weaker party entertainment. So many places has remained fairly weak.