I am using this app past 11 months when I start using that time I was getting good offer's but know I am not getting even 1 offer and Till know I did the transaction of above 80000. They forced me for e-kyc and they told you will Get good offer and quick response but till know I am not getting Even one single offer from MobiKwik.
Guys my simple think is that don't do e-kyc if they forced you then also you should ingore them. Once you complete e-kyc you can't cancelled the e-kyc because I tried to contact show many times but till they did not cancelled my e-kyc. I suggest you when ever you go for e-kyc first read the reviews.
Today only I face one issue Past 20 minutes I am trying to pay water bill but not able to pay.
I wrote the mail I don't know when they will reply. My simple think is that trie to stip using E-wallet like MobiKwik etc.