Feb 11, 2001 06:56 PM
After seeing the trailers for Meet The Parents, I wasn't convinced. It seemed too much in the same catagory of Dumb & Dumber style humour and to be honest, those type of gags just don't rock my boat.
Guess what? I was wrong. Well, to a certain extent. Sure, some of the storyline may be a tad predictable but half the excitement is waiting for things to happen.
I generally like my films to be realistic, and on the romance side this was, and meeting your other half's parents is something we all dread as you fear not matching their standards. The comedy makes it a good mixture and although sometimes the jokes and effects went over the top, it just emphasised how hard we try to live up to peoples expectations and just how wrong it can all go.
I'd recommend this film as it had me laughing and crying (always a good sign of variation in a film!) and I think most people would enjoy it, however I don't think my mum would find it as amusing!