Jul 11, 2005 04:08 PM
(Updated Jul 11, 2005 04:12 PM)
In this period ,when Hindi Cinema is producing non-sense films every week ,comes a film that strikes your brain and does more !
Yes ,the film in a question is Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women .This is one of the most hard hitting film ever made ! Forget SATYA ,VAASTAV ,MOTHER INDIA ,SARKAR ,PAGE 3 this one is the mother of all such movies !!
This futuristic film is set in an era when there will be no women ! The time when ratio of man to women will fall to 100:1 in India ! The time when the purpose of women will be only to satisfy sexual needs of Men !Most likely this situation will appear in India as the cases of domestic violation in women are all time high .
For those with weak heart ,this film is a strict no no ! But those who loves realistic cinema, this is a must see !!
A wealthy landlord (Sudhir Pandey) is desperately trying to get his five sons married but there are no women in his village or anywhere outside.
Any girl child, when born, is killed by their own parents as there is a possibility of the child being raped by men of village !
He recruits the help of Panditji (Piyush Mishra) who discovers Kalki (Tulip Joshi) after a lot of trouble. Except Sooraj (Sushant Singh) all the other brothers look like rogues and treat Kalki as a toy who is suppose to please them.
Kalki’s plight is touching, as she has to sleep with all the five sons and even with her father-in-law !!!
This situation continues even when she becomes pregnant and only ends when she gives birth to a baby girl .
The transformation of Kalki from a free girl to a woman bonded to five husbands, forms the story of the film .
The way with which director Manish Jha has handle this dark subject deserves laurels .In fact the movie hits you so hardly that, you just can not overlook the condition of women in our society .
But the real star who surprises with her acting skills is TULIP JOSHI.The actress who wasted herself in mediocre films like MERE YAAR KI SHAADI HAIN and DIL MAANGE MORE raises above all the performance in history of Indian cinema and delivers a performance that will always find a special mention whenever there will be a talk on most brilliant performance .Her display of a simple girl who is reduced to an animal is simply amazing. She barely yells 10 words in the movie but says more ! If this performance did not deserve awards ,then no other should ! Sushant Singh and otheR 4 brothers are quite brilliant .
There is also a pinch of humour which adds to the film's overall brilliance. Various critical issues are touched upon by the filmmaker from homsexuality to casteism which are quite in your face.
I happen to see all the 3 release of this week and after watching this one I was wondering why I saw craps like DUS and FAREB ?To make matter worse ,there were only 10 people in the theatres !
please go and see this !