MAKEMYTRIP (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction. is an online website where we can get hotel bookings from home and also flight tickets for our vacation trip. Now I'm gonna tell my true experience with in which I faced much hassle.
Firstly, when I made a hotel booking and got a confirmation that I've booked lodging in Alor Grande Resort in Goa for 4 days and 3 nights on 21st August, 2017. When I went there, the manager told me that there were no bookings taken on that particular date and I was much disappointed by this.
Secondly, I faced many problems regarding flight ticket bookings. Transactions fail quite a lot. So, I felt that there is much hassle in using this website. Charges taken are much more than other websites also. I recommend not to use this website.
Thank you.